a - z指数

打印机 & 复印机

打印机 & 复印机

Northwest provides 网络ed printers 和 copiers in all relevant campus buildings, including at residence hall front desks.

You,西北科技 & 印刷

  • 允许使用个人打印机,但是 西北必要.
    • The vast majority of assignments 和 exams are submitted electronically 和 thus, are paperless.
  • University 网络ed printers are available almost everywhere on campus such as the front desks of each residence hall 和 in public spaces like B.D. 欧文斯图书馆和车站.
    • 印刷 to a University 网络ed printer does require payment at time of printing.
    • Users who print to a campus 网络ed printer on the 仙女 print server are auto-billed by their login credentials for the size of their print job.
      • Black 和 white printing is 10 cents per page.
      • Color printing is 25 cents per page.
      • Your specific printing charges will appear on your University bill the next business day.
  • 允许使用个人打印机 只有 在西北 《和记娱乐ios》杂志 网络.

The follo赢得g sections give directions on how to install the university 网络ed printers for student use.  The sections are based on device operating system 和 ownership.  All directions require that the device is on campus 和 connected to the NWMSU_Secure Wi-Fi或 《和记娱乐ios》杂志 网络.

University-Provided Windows Laptop or Desktop

  1. 点击 开始 (Windows icon in the lower left corner).
  2. 在“Windows搜索”框中输入 \ \仙女 并按 输入.
  3. In the 赢得dow that opens, double-click on the icon for the printer you want to install.
    • Most printers available for student printing have a placard on the front or nearby with the name of the printer.
    • 打印 queues are comm只有 named by building 和 room location of the printer.
  4. Once the printer has been installed, a print queue 赢得dow will open.  一旦打印队列窗口打开, you can 关闭 it 和 all previous 赢得dows that were opened to install the printer.

Personally Owned Windows Laptop or Desktop



  1.  打开网页浏览器,转到 http://peri:9163/setup.
  2. 点击绿色 下载 button.
  3. 点击 允许 如果要求允许下载.
  4. 打开下载文件夹.
  5. 双击下载的文件.
    • 该文件应该命名 pc-mobility-print-printer-setup-x.x.xx(美人).dmg.
  6. 双击 PaperCut移动打印客户端.包裹.
  7. 在“安装程序”窗口中,单击 继续.
  8. 点击 继续.
  9. 点击 同意.
  10. 点击 安装.
  11. 进入 密码 对于你的设备.
  12. 点击 安装软件.
  13. Once you see a green checkmark 和 the phrase 安装成功,点击 关闭.
  14. 如果出现提示,单击 移到垃圾桶.
  15. 关闭 all 赢得dows that were opened to install the print queue.

Retrieving 打印outs from a Xerox 打印er/Copier

  1.  Use 1 of the follo赢得g options to log into the Xerox.
    • 刷一下你的熊猫身份证.
    • Select the keyboard icon on the screen.  输入您的 西北网络账号 用户名密码.
  2. Select 打印版本.
  3. Select the print job(s) you want to print or the select all option.
  4. Select 打印.

The follo赢得g sections give directions on how to install the university 网络ed printers 和 copiers for faculty/staff use.  The sections are based on device operating system 和 ownership.  All directions require that the device is on campus 和 connected to the NWMSU_Secure Wi-Fi或 《和记娱乐ios》杂志 网络.

安装ing a Northwest Networked HP 打印er/Copier


The follo赢得g steps will install the NWFollowMe print queue as well as the PaperCut Client software that is used for assigning which budget to bill on each print job.

  1. 在“Windows搜索”框中输入 \ \皮特 并按 输入.
  2. 双击 NWFollowMe.
  3. Wait for the print queue 赢得dow to open.
    • Once the print queue 赢得dow has opened, the printer installation has completed.
  4. 关闭打印队列窗口.
  5. In the Pete 赢得dow, double-click the PCClient 文件夹.
  6. 双击 赢得 文件夹.
  7. 双击 client-local-install.exe.
  8. 点击 是的 to allow the app to make changes to your device.
  9. 点击 我接受协议.
  10. 点击 下一个.
  11. 点击 下一个.
  12. For Select Components, leave it as Local 安装 (For all users).
  13. 点击 下一个.
  14. 点击 安装.
  15. Uncheck Launch client 和 verify my identity.
  16. 点击 完成.
  17. In the Windows 搜索 box, start typing paper 和 click on 剪纸MF客户端App 当它出现时.
    • The PaperCut Client will launch 和 should result in a green P symbol displaying in the system tray near the clock.


The follo赢得g steps will install the NWFollowMe print queue as well as the PaperCut Client software that is used for assigning which budget to bill on each print job.

  1. 打开网页浏览器,转到 http://pete:9163/setup.
  2. 单击绿色的下载按钮.
  3. If asked to allow downloads,点击 允许.
  4. 打开下载文件夹.
  5. 双击下载的文件.
    • 该文件应该命名 pc-mobility-print-printer-setup-x.x.xx (pete).dmg.
  6. 双击 PaperCut移动打印客户端.包裹.
  7. 在“安装程序”窗口中,单击 继续.
  8. 点击 继续.
  9. 点击 同意.
  10. 点击 安装.
  11. 输入您的 Apple device 用户名 和 密码.
  12. 点击 安装软件.
  13. Once you see a green checkmark 和 the phrase 安装成功, clcik 关闭.
  14. 如果出现提示,单击 移到垃圾桶.
  15. 关闭 all 赢得dows that were opened to install the printe queue.
  16. 点击 on an empty space in your desktop.
  17. 在菜单栏上,单击 Go 并选择 连接服务器... .
  18. 在地址栏中输入 smb: / /皮特.
  19. 点击 连接.
  20. 输入您的 西北网络账号 用户名密码.
  21. 点击 连接.
  22. 双击 PCClient.
  23. 双击 mac 文件夹.
  24. 双击 client-local-install.
  25. Select 是的.
  26. 出现提示时,输入您的 西北网络账号 用户名密码.
  27. You should now be able to print using the Mobility打印 printer option.
    • You will need to relaunce PaperCut every time you restart or sign out of your device to be able to continue printing.
注意: Each time you send something to print, you will be prompted to enter your 西北网络账号 用户名密码.

The Northwest Technology Service Center does 不 support or repair personal printers 和 wireless printers are 不 allowed to be connected to Northwest Wi-Fi. Please use your personal printer on the 《和记娱乐ios》杂志 网络 只有 和 disable wireless entirely if that is an option.

  • If you need to print 和 can不 install your personally-purchased printer, please connect to a Northwest 网络ed printer for your printing needs. 安装ing a Northwest 网络ed printer is easy 和 fast.
  • 打印er set-up instructions may vary depending on operating system 和 model of printer.
  • 连接 the printer to your computer follo赢得g the manufacturer's instructions.

请注意: If a printer is connected to the 《和记娱乐ios》杂志 网络 via an ethernet port, the printer can be used by others 和 will 不 be secure.



